Breaking the Myths Behind Back Pain

Odds are you've experienced back pain at least once in your life, but it's time to get the facts on what's causing your back pain and how you should be treating it. Christian DiPaola, MD, orthopedics, addresses some of the myths associated with back pain. Find out if bed rest is good for your back, if an MRI can reveal the cause of your pain or if physical therapy has benefits to ease symptoms. Watch Health Watch here. »

Joint Replacement Without the Need for Weight Loss

Losing weight before joint replacement surgery is recommended to decrease risk of infection and experience better outcomes. Many physicians have required it as conventional wisdom points to lower body weight and lower body mass index yielding better results in joint replacement.

Now, new findings from the University of Massachusetts Medical School have revealed that overweight and obese patients reap the same benefits from joint replacement as someone of normal weight. "What this study shows is that people who are overweight and obese get the same type of pain relief and improved function that other patients do," said David Ayers, MD, chair, orthopedics and rehabilitation medicine, and co-author of this study.

If you struggle to lose weight because it's too painful to move, joint replacement surgery may be an option. Read articles in U.S. News & World Report and the Telegram and Gazette.

Get Your 2018 Calendar with Recipes from Around the World

Do you love international cuisine? Sign up for the Simply Well blog, and you'll receive a free 2018 Simply Well Flavors of the World calendar, featuring ethnic recipes from UMass Memorial caregivers. Subscribe to the blog, and receive a free calendar at the end of the year!

Recipe of the Month
Turkey Quinoa Chili with Sweet Potatoes

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Topics: Joint Pain;
Shoulder Rotator Cuff