Prepared Childbirth (2 day)

Prepared Childbirth is an essential course for pregnant women and their birth partners to develop an understanding of the labor and birth process and begin practicing coping techniques. These techniques are useful at home for early labor as well as in the hospital during more active labor and most can be used whether you are planning on an epidural or natural childbirth. Coping skills include breathing, massage, positions for labor, relaxation exercises and more. You will learn about medical considerations such as epidural anesthesia, induction and Cesarean section. Postpartum care will also be reviewed and will include a brief overview of immediate newborn care and breastfeeding. Note: separate classes for newborn care and breastfeeding are offered for more detailed information.

After class instruction is completed on your second day, your instructor will take you on a 45-minute tour of the UMass Memorial Maternity Unit.

You should complete your classes by about one month before your due date (earlier for twins). On the day of class, wear comfortable clothes and bring two pillows, a blanket, a pen, water and snacks.

Registration Information: 

Register online at or by calling 855-366-5221.